Saturday, October 29, 2011

Keeping up with starting out

There seems to be an impedance mismatch between the frequency with which I make posts about the easiest way to get started with Clojure, and the release of even easier ways to get started, so I'm going to just bag that thread. I'll just summarize my advice in a few simple bullet points:

  • If you have to choose between adding clojure to an existing environment that's already heavily customized, and creating a fresh/clean environment via VirtualBox or some other equivalent, I recommend the fresh/clean environment. If you have a reasonably decent processor, it should be responsive enough to be useful, and the advice you find on the web will be a lot easier to apply if your OS is clean.
  • If you don't know emacs, it's worth learning just to get to use paredit.
  • If you like GUI IDE's, Eclipse + CounterClockwise works well.
Feel free to add any other tips in the comments.

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